Thursday 21 June 2012

Ever Glowing Light of Faith and YAKIN

Asalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatahu,

Words of wisdom are  refresher of Our dead hearts
Words of wisdom are  rejuvenator of Our Contaminated Mind
Words of Divine Knowledge are Powerful  Streams of Positive Energy
Words of Great Minds of Gnostics are Chargers of Negative Minds
Words of Lovers Divine Knowledge are Great Dosages of Weakening Hearts

Today  in response to the Visit of Brother Yusuf and Sheikh Hilmi at Madrasah  Sheikh Abdul Qadir  Al JIlani [ QSA]
prompted  me to share some of the views  that  we discussed and transmitted.

To a group of  Scholars of  religions , Intellectuals  , Professionals , Politicians , Royal Family Members , Business Magnets , Bread Earners
and  Multi Facet group of readers  and  listeners , therefore bear with me on content and also the tone of the message. 

Due to popular request from our jemaah  and well wishers  on the Topic  of  Iman , I would  begin the Chapter today on 
The Most  Important  TOPIC  that  is  highly  regarded  by  Almighty CREATOR  Allah SWT. The Most  Expensive of all subjects on
this Universe.The subject that  made Almighty  Creator  to  send  more than 124,000 Prophets and Messengers to bring
Humanity to Iman. from ADAM to ISA[as]

If  Almighty  Creator  Wished or  Wishes EVEN  NOW  AND  TODAY  to make  the Entire  Global  Mankind  to  Believe in HIM , all HE  Would do was 
  • To Send Everyday His Archangel  on  the  Middle of  the Highest point of the Heaven and announce  that Al QURAN is from Allah SWT
  • To Reveal everyday  on the screen of  the  sky One Verse a Day -  Therefore 365 Verses a day 
  • To Remove the Screen that Covers the Last  moment of  our  Life -  By Showing us how the Angel of Death  Removes our  SOULS 

With the  above  3  types of Opening of  Mystery and Spiritual  side of the Truth  and  Reality , the very  moment the  below happenings will
occur all  over the  world 
  • Leaving everyone on this earth to become Mukmin [  True  Believers ]  No  more Muslims like of today 
  • You  will  find Gold and Currencies lying on  road  sides  no  more  in  the  banks - World Looses Its power of attraction , Paradise becomes Highly Valuable
  • Muslims woulds Carry  Al  Quraan on their Heads ,  On their backs , On their Pockets and whatever  ways  that  can  remind them of Al Quraan and Almighty's message
  • None will do or  even think of going  against  Almighty Allah  SWT  and  His  Messenger
  • The Entire World will be Full of  Peace ,  Tranquility , Calmness , Contentment , Friendship , Brotherhood  and all  kinds of Great Values in Life will the talks of the day and night
The  time described  above has  come to pass in the pages of History, and  now  left  only as  reading  material and the best of them all are  gone [ As  George Bernad Shaw puts  it ] [ The Real Believers are in the grave ] only  professing Muslims are  found on  earth , No More believers.

With these scenes in  Mind , think  now , where the current Muslims  stand in the eyes of  Almighty  Allah SWT , they are  exactly  as what  Almighty Allah SWT  describe them in
Al Quran [  Al  Baqarah  - Verse 8] and  [ Al Hujjarat  - Verse 14] , do you find them anything less than Hypocrites or just Muslims of  Blind Following ,  Muslims that has no Iman as said in [Surah Al Asar ] who are in total  LOSS in comparison to the Believers.

Why is this Fate on Muslims?. Why is this  Happening to Muslims  all  over the World?. What  is  wrong  with  Muslims?.
The answer  is  SIMPLE -  They Have Lost  FAITh -  And  They  Have NO  FAITH -  No  IMAN 

Faith is the  Most  Important  Factor in  Religion 
Faith is the  Most Integral Part of Spirituality 
Faith is the  Most  Salient Feature that Almighty Wants from everyone 
Faith is the  Key to Paradise and Everlasting Life 
Faith is the  Mirror of the Religion 
Faith is the Pillar of Rules and Regulation
Faith is the Light of Life towards a Long Journey
Faith is the Generator of Love 
Faith is the Burner of Light Lamp 
Faith is the Highest Requirement Set By The Creator to Accept Your Worships and Deeds
Faith is the Biggest  Asset  To  Make Your  Creator Happy  on you and your offerings
Faith is the Power  that  Moves Your  Life , Soul and Spirit 
Faith is the Distinguisher amongst all Energies in  Life 
Faith is the Power  that Empowers the Soul and Heart 
Faith is the Greatest  Light that  Directs  you to the World of Spirituality 
Faith is the Absolute Attractor of Mercy 
Faith is the Highest Altitude Achieving Pole in Your Search  For Light Against  Darkness in Life
Faith is the Extinguisher of  All  Darkness and Fire of EVil and Darkness 
Faith is the Beam of  Light that Soothes your  Heart ,  Mind  , Emotion and Soul.

Therefore the FIRST  STEP  that  Every  Muslims  should  Follow must be based  on  the Divine Protocol
Follow the Greatest  Messengers  Protocol and System -  Divine Guidance and His Absolute  Protocol

  • To Learn the Knowledge of Iman [  Faith ]  and Aqeedah [  which 99.1% of Muslims have never been exposed]
  • To upgrade this Iman into state of  Yakin [ Certainty ] 
  • To upgrade Iman and Yakin to Taqwa 
  • To upgrade Iman , Yakin , Taqwa to IHSAN 
  • To upgrade Iman , Yakin , Taqwa , IHSAN to  Tauhid 
  • To upgrade Iman , Yakin , Taqwa , IHSAN , Tauhid to  Mahabbah [ Divine Love] [ 99.999% Missing in Lives of Muslims] 
  • To upgrade Iman , Yakin , Taqwa , IHSAN , TAUHID , MAHABBAH to IKHLAS  [ Sincerity ]
You will never have  learnt  ILMUL  IMAN , if  you  have not learnt  What all  the companions  and all  124,000  Prophets and Messengers
have learnt. Companions learnt  this  Knowledge of  IMAN for the first 13  years of  Prophethood and ISLAM [ Prayers , Fasting , Zakat & Hajj]
came only after the 12th Year during the Heavenly Ascension of the Holy Prophet SAW.

Upon  Acquiring the  Knowledge of  FAITH ,  The Command was  to  Learn  ILMU  YAKIN -  Where does Allah SWT  mentions about ILMUL YAKIN
kindly Refer [ Surah Al Khatoor -  Verse 5].

Why  should  I learn ILMUL  YAKIN ?
Every  Muslim should , no every  Mukmin should learn this  KNOWLEDGE OF ILMUL  YAKIN  to  increase their Iman , to upgrade their IMAN to 
different  Degree of  IMAN , Every Muslim must  first Learn  ILMUL  IMAN  then  switch to ILMUL YAKIN.

What if  I  dont  Learn ILMUL  YAKIN?
Almighty  Creator Himself answer  in the following verses  [  Surah Al Khatoor - verse]  That  they will Witness the Hell Fire [  Latara Hunnal JAHIM]
Not in the hereafter , but verily in this  World itself ,  they will witness all  over  their  LIFE  Hellfire not  the  BURNING FIRE but 
  • The Fire of  No  Peace of  Mind  burning in  Your  Mind 
  • The Fire of Discontment burning in your heart 
  • The Fire of Dis-satisfaction burning in  your feelings
  • The Fire of Non Tranquility Burning in Your Breath
  • The Fire of UnHappiness in your sights 
  • The Fire of Failures daily before your own eyes eventhough you may rich [ Saya gagal , saya gagal , melayu gagal = words of great statement of DRMM Tun Mahathir in PWTC Assembly General UMNO meeting]
  • The Fire of Loss before every of  your deeds
  • The Fire of Burning desire to have health and wellness
  • Many more but i dont wish to elongate the topic , you know better what is happening to your very own life
And None  can  claim that they have Iman as per the  Verse in [Chapter Al Hujjarat -  Verse 14 ] as DENIED  BY  ALMIGHTY CREATOR  HIMSELF Who know the  inside of  every creations hearts and Soul.

And  no  Muslim or  Mukmin can  claim  they  have IMAN before learning  the KALIMAH  LA  ILAHA  ILLALLAH - The KALIMAH  that  RasoolAllah  SAW taught for 13  years.
The KALIMAH  ROBB  that  Almighty  Describes are  beyond all  Oceans if  they  were  to be converted  to  be  INKS, and 7 more  Oceans added NEVER will the Word of ROBB
Finish  FOREVER.

[  Surah  Al Lukman -  Verse 27 ]  and  [  Surah Al Kahfi -  109].

To know whether what Almighty Allah , The Creator Says TRUE or NOT this  KNOWLEDGE  IS  OCEAN OR  JUST MERE 6,666 verse in the small book Called Al Quraan -
Join us 6th -  7th - July in Melaka [  FREE OF  CHARGE ]  Pay  your  own accomodation and boarding Costs.

Oh  Muslims Wake Up to Be Real  Mukmin , Before You see the ANGEL OF  DEATH COME TO  YOUR THROAT -  You Will Certainly SEE IT ONE DAY 
Oh  Mukmin 
The History of Life will never change for LORD  ALMIGHTY To convince you  to  BELIEVE  -  YOU  WILL HAVE  TO  SEEK  FAITH -  IMAN -  IMAN -  IMAN -  IMAN - IMAN


I remain with Humbleness and Kindness
With Forgiveness I Beg From Almighty Allah SWT Always.

Dr Ismail Bin Hj Kassim 

Wednesday 16 May 2012


In the year 2010 we started our First circle of 70,000 counts of Zikir KALIMAH Najjat of Kubur and KALIMAH Najjat Minnal Azabil Nar [ Escape from the Hellfire] and Kalimah Escape from Punshiment of grave [ alamul barzakh], at the house of a lady who is the sister in law of Haji Mohd Ibrahim Zeffi at Taman Ampang.

It was wonderful experience although the tahfiz choldren who were invited were not
used to such long Zikir session that consumed more than 1.45 minutes , this shows how much syaitan has controlled our hearts making us lazy not to remember Almighty Allah.
Syaitan would not mind you read Al Quran , Pray a Million rakaats , do fasting almost everyday for the rest of life , but he would not ever allow or permit you to make Zikir of Allah and learn the Ilmu that leads you to know Allah SWT.

Syaitan would make every reasons and excuses not to make you to remember Almighty.

Another beautiful session we had was at Pahang , Pekan at the House of late Almarhum
Tengku Ibrahim a good friend of Hj Ibrahim Zeffi.This was one of the powerful zikir
session we all has ever enjoyed in our life and still the record of this Zikir runs almost everyday in the houses of our jemaah.

Hundreds of beautiful smells which we believe are the visitation of the deceased from their dwelling centers.Their dwellings are the windows to the paradise.

Last session was at Templer Saujana on 14th May 2012 at magrib after the solat.The session was attended by handful of jemaah yet the voices were to be counted like almost fifty of us , this is the participation of the spiritual souls and visitors and also the presence of the angels which are clearly mentioned in Hadiths.

70,000 Zikir of LA ILAHA ILLALLAH is one of the most powerful , blissful, blessede gift that we could ever donate to our beloved parents, friends , relatives , sheikhs , gurus and all of the Prophets and Messegers and Companions who we value mcuh for giving us Islam. And msot of All to Our Holy prophet SAW.

We are intending to do 1 Million Zikir of LA ILAHA ILLALLAH during one of our sessions in Pulau Besar melaka at the Holy Maqam of Sultanul Arifin. Why do we say Holy, because if you have an internal eyes do kindly see the paradise underneath as was has been told to us by the Holy Prophet SAW.

With just a count of 10,000 Kalimah A Day by 70 of our jemmah we could achieve Ten Million Zikir - 1,000,000 easily. 10,000 X 70 = 700,000 total in a day and 700,000 X 30 days =

Each of us make a Zikir  of                          =       10,000  zikir LA ILAHA ILLALLAH
70 of us making this zikir X 10,000                =     700,000  zikir a day total zikir
700,000 Counts a day for 30 days                  = 21,000,000

By Al Faqir IllAllah Dr Shaykh Ismail Bin Kassim.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Wealth , Fame , Richness , Positions , Life Decorations are all made from physical and material substances.
While Peace is made from Heavenly Material and it is purely spiritual in nature. These two elements does not co-relate to each other in a single wolrd of existence and cannot be united how ever you try till eternity.

That is why the Rich and Famous people on this planet earth after having earned all that they dreamt for to achieve in their life falls into mental sickness , emotional attacks , self sabotage and many more undiscussable realities in life.They would trade anything in life to secure an ounce of Peace and a kilogram of Tranquility if they go shop them at the nearest mall or boutique.

Bill gates the founder of microsoft earned billions and yet he could not achieve peace after having saved in his own bank acount more than US 50 Billions dollars.Only after having parted with a huge savings from his pocket he found something called an effect and power of giving and sharing. yet after that hi soul is still searching for the reason his spirit and soul turns in disharmony and disturbance of internal selves.

No matter you give away all your savings, wealth and entire achievements in life to others and the poorest of the people all over the globe , if you dont find the turth of yourself and your soul, you will never achieve an eternal peace of mind and soul.You ought to know the brain and the heart you use to earn and give away all your wealth does not have power to give you the peace and tranquility.

This realization is the process in finding the path to reality and success in life and beyond this life. The Soul is the one that needs the peace , its your heart that needs the harmony and tranquility.

Join Our Program : The Reality of Peace and How to Achieve a Permanent Peace in Soul and Heart.
How to activate the switch of the Peace and Happiness in life.

Thursday 5 April 2012

Wisdom Behind A Drop Of Water

While drinking a single drop of water, look at how magnificiently the requirement of water has been pre arranged for the need of the body, the mineral, important content of the water that needs to keep the bodily functions smoothly.

If you are on the death bed and require a glass of water and someone offers you a million dollar or a gold bar instead of the glass water, most certainly you will go for the water and live a further live than die with a gold bar or a million dollar in your dead hand.Yoru breathless body wouldnt be able to enjoy the transient material matters no matter how much you require it, because at that juncture it is your life first that comes to your mind and importance.

A drop of water has great miracle of life and many  secrets of  life and it is an essential requirement for the body to conduct its activties smoothly.

The Power of Almighty

DO you wish to ponder about the power of Almighty working within your bodily system?. Look at the way trillions of cells are being replaced from dead cells to new rejuvenated cells , from old life to a new life.
Breaths renewing your life every seconds.

DO you know how much pressures are required to run your blood from the lungs to the entire body every moment of your life?.Do you know the value of the Oxygen that you breathe?.

Will you exchange your single breath to obtain 1,000 Metric tonnes of Gold placed right under your nose?.What is the use of the 1,000 mteric Tonnes of Gold bars to such dead body without a life?.

Ponder oh mankind, before you find yourelf standing before your Almighty Lord very and indeed very soon, without a doubt.This life is like a dream.Passing through the life with full of challenges and boredoom even if you are rich man and belongs to the club of Rich and Famous yet your life will be empty , or diseased or full of discontentment or full of pressure of daily routine.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

From Material World to Spiritual World

Prophets , Messengers and Awliya Allahs who has passed away from this bonded physical world, has set their soul free out of the limited space of this physical body.

The fly and eject out of this physical body from this temporary world and enter into the World of Spirits, Alamul Arwah and rest themselves in the Alamul Barzakh, Another Transit place before the Real Meeting of Almighty Lord in the Day of Judgement.

While they remain in their Soul and are free to move anywhere they want in this world and the heavenly world - They attach themselves with the spirits and the Souls of those who approach Almighty Allah and surrender their hearts and Soul to Almighty Allah SWt.

They assist them in giving them strong determination and spirit in carrying out their spiritual and religious life on their onward journey to Almighty Allah SWT. They act as guides and wayfarers supporters. But their activties are very limited only to the Soul dimension without interfering much in the worldly matter, which as a fact they themselves have left and have absloute faith in Almighty Allah SWT to run and manage their Universe.

When you are in this path you will come to realize the power of the spiritual guidance given by them with the sole permission of Almighty Allah SWT, only when you seek guidance and support from Almighty Allah SWT, such soldiers, angels, prophetic spirits and messengers guidance are sent regularly to guide the seekers of the path. We have had many such experiences around the places where we have gone for seclusions. Especially in hill resorts and islands.Where they are isolatedly gathering for increasing their worships to Almighty Allah SWT.

If Shaytan the accursed is capable of travelling around the entire globe in a split second, why do you underestimate the angels, the spirits of the Messengers , The Prophets and the Friends of Almighty Allah [ Awliya Allah SWT] are not capable of doing these extraordinary feats.

Monday 26 March 2012

Who Cures Your Diseases & Illnesses?.

A medicine that is fed into the stomach is believed to have the capacity to cure the diseases or any kind of illnesses that we suffer.

This is totally absurd and unacceptable.Because the medicine [ which is blind and brainless] that has zero knwoledge of what a medicine meant to cure or address the malfunctions of the kidney can have even the slightest capacity to reach the targetted area.

Who then or how then the medicine moves to the kidney or the lungs or the pancreas where the medicine is meant to address the weakness or the deficiencies in the organs where the cure or prevention is required?.

Know that no medicines neither any doctors in this world can cure any diseases of humankind.The owner of the human being and the Creator alone knows every detail of the humanbody and itscure and prevention.

This teaches us how powerful and vast is Almighty's knowledge on every individuals health conditions and also their wellbeing more than our own knowledge about our bodies and mind.

Therefore learn how to affect the cure and medicines of the body through directed or inspired thoughts and inspirations from deep inner being.